My Top 5 Books of 2023
My Top 5 Books of 2023
Small Book Art by Heather LeFevers Knots & Novels
The Creative Act: A Way of Being by Rick Rubin
As artists, we aim to live in a way in which we see the extraordinary hidden in the seemingly mundane. Then challenge ourselves to share what we see in a way that allows others a glimpse of this remarkable beauty.
-Rick Rubin
Hidden Potential by Adam Grant
It’s easy for people to be critics or cheerleaders. It’s harder to get them to be coaches. A critic sees your weaknesses and attacks your worst self. A cheerleader sees your strengths and celebrates your best self. A coach sees your potential and helps you become a better version of yourself.
-Adam Grant
Timothy Keller by Collin Hansen
Having one hero would be derivative; having one hundred heroes means you’ve drunk deeply by scouring the world for the purest wells. This God-given ability to integrate disparate sources and then share insights with others has been observed by just about anyone who has known Keller, going back to his college days. He’s the guide to the gurus. You get their best conclusions, with Keller’s unique twist.
-Collin Hansen
All My Knotted-Up Life: A Memoir by Beth Moore
The thing about life is that, for most folks, it hurts from the start.
-Beth Moore
Replenish by Lance Witt
Your ministry will take all you give it. Your church will take all you are willing to give it. Ministry demands will always exceed your capacity.
-Lance Witt
In ministry we need to recapture the word faithful. It is the nature of our world to be enamored with what’s big. But in the church we should seek to be enamored with what’s godly. By God’s sovereign design and call, some people are given hard assignments where the soil is hard and the plowing is slow.
-Lance Witt
Honorable Mention:
Losing Our Religion: An Alter Call for Evangelical America by Russell Moore
My 2023 Goodreads List